Eagle Capital SS Ltda does not sell or distribute shares of investment funds or any other financial asset. The information contained in this material is for information purposes only. Investment funds do not have the guarantee of the administrator, the portfolio manager, any insurance mechanism or, even, the credit guarantee fund - FGC. Past profitability is no guarantee of future profitability. The fund's profitability shown is not net of taxes. It is essential for investors to read the investment fund's prospectus and regulations carefully when investing their funds. Multimarket funds with salable income may be exposed to significant contracting in assets of a few issuers, with the resulting risks. This fund uses derivative strategies as an integral part of its investment policy; such strategies, as they are adopted, may result in significant equity losses for its shareholders and may result in losses greater than capital and the consequent obligation of the shareholder to contribute additional funds to cover the fund's loss.